“Further Adventures” – The Modesty Ablaze Diairies @Gumroad

The Modesty Ablaze DiariesWhen I first began posting pages here at the end of 2011, the purpose of my Modesty Ablaze blog was almost as a form of therapeutic release.

Well . . . release AND celebration.

Release, because I can’t deny that it was a thrill to satisfy that exhibitionist streak within that we all have, and finally be able to share “anonymously” some of the personal diaries that I’d been writing for years and years.

But also a celebration, because I so often wanted to shout-out to many of my “normal” friends, that one shouldn’t be ashamed of, our sexual feelings or desires. And that if we all talked about, and expressed those more openly with our partners, it just may lead their relationships to places they’d never imagined
. . . as it had for myself.

At that time I didn’t actually have the courage to tell any of my friends that for years I had been meeting several different lovers, all over the same period of time, and with the complete knowledge and acceptance of my Hubby. And that I had been keeping a record of every meeting in my diaries . . . but sharing some of those diary entries on my blog, made me at least feel as though I had told them.

And to my absolute surprise, within the first month of those initial postings, I began receiving emails asking for more . . . and then several suggestions that I should self-publish them as Ebooks. I originally replied that my posts were just journal entries that probably wouldn’t best suit the format of a proper book, but after being assured that they surely would . . . I decided to “at least give it a try”.

It took me a little while of course . . . but eventually I had three short diary compilations on Amazon, and was amazed to start receiving regular requests to publish more.

I kept promising myself . . . and all those responders who kept asking over the following (three !!!) years . . . that I would publish more from my “archives” just as soon as I could find the time.

I did manage to publish several, short, diary excerpts on Gumroad. But despite several “starts” at compiling a longer, more complete book from my diaries, I just couldn’t get one finished. Life seemed to get busier and busier . . . not just with the normal everyday routines of work and family . . . but with new adventures and fun experiences to explore!

However last year I received a lovely series of emails, and subsequently a wonderfully flattering review on a French literature website La Bauge littéraire, that made me determined to publish another compilation of my diary entries “before the year was out”.

I failed of course! But . . . eventually and finally . . . “Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” . . . has made it up into the ether-world of Amazon and Gumroad.

And, unlike my previous compilations which were random excerpts, “Further Adventures” is a chronological, virtually “cut and pasted”, sequence of diary entries from the same period as “Part 1 – The Journey”.

It features several of my earliest “acquaintances” . . . and how our relationships developed and “blossomed” . . . and how I shared those experiences so openly with Hubby, every evening on my return.

“Further Adventures” is still just £1.75 from my Gumroad page . . . and as well as being downloadable from there as a printable PDF file, that PDF format can also be read on your Kindle and other Ebook Readers.

I hope you will enjoy . . . and discover how these Further Adventures helped shape and define what has been, (and still is), a wonderfully fulfilling and loving open way of life for Hubby and myself!!!

Enjoy – Xxx – K


Filed under Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

3 Responses to “Further Adventures” – The Modesty Ablaze Diairies @Gumroad

  1. Don

    Can’t wait to get Further Adventures!

  2. Sally

    I’ve read all your diaries now and I’m totally in awe of the relationship you have with your husband. You make reading about your amazing times almost like being there with you. This one made me envious and excited all over again.

  3. Wow – this sounds such a delicious read (and a pipe-dream to product journey I want to follow!) So later today I will be downloading this to read on my Kindle! And quite likely looking for access to the texts that went before!

    What an extraordinary force of nature you are K – I am so in awe of you.

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