Retro Legs @fdotleonora #polaroidspast


@fdotleonora Retro Legs – 2010

If you viewed my Laid Completely Bare post recently you will know that I mentioned F Dot Leonora as being “the most stylish and classiest curator of erotic snapshots (and I mean words AND pictures)”  . . .

So I am absolutely thrilled today to welcome F Dot to #polaroidspast .

I always find F Dot’s words and images immediately intriguing and interesting . . . always demanding questions and interpretation as I browse and gaze . . . and this picture from 2010 is no exception.

In her recent Sinful Sunday post, F Dot decribed Retro Legs as . . .

This is an old photo I took for another blog incarnation of mine, about magic which is following me as a theme . . . There are no filters or effects on this, my early pics are raw . . .

And raw is exactly as I like most of the things in my life to be . . . raw and real . . . inspiring and fun.

I find visiting F Dot at her Connecting the Dots almost like wandering through the corridors of an Art Gallery . . . inspiring always, intriguing definitely, interesting certainly. I urge you to visit and do some wandering of your own!

And . . . if you have some raw and real memories . . . words or pictures . . . of your own that you would like to share, then I would LOVE you to join in here at #polaroidspast .

It’s all about a fun and natural way of celebrating our bodies and reminding ourselves that not only are we all different shapes and sizes, and live different lives and different relationships, but we all change and grow in every aspect as the years pass by. That is just how we all naturally develop and change.

***You can join in by completing the (confidential) submission form below:

Or, if you prefer, simply grab the Polaroids Past logo below and publish a post on your own blog with #polaroidspast as part of the title, and a link from the logo back to my Polaroids Past page >here<. You can submit your Blog Post URL (if you have one) by completing the form, or enter your contact details in the form and I will reply with further details asap.
NB: The form is completely confidential and your details / comments are not displayed.

Come-on . . . Dare to Bare . . . Be Proud of Where you Have
Come From and Who You have Become!

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under Polaroids Past

One Response to Retro Legs @fdotleonora #polaroidspast

  1. oh wow, i am truly humbled by your lovely description of my photographs and blog…especially since i admire what you do! xxx

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