Tag Archives: Women’s Erotica

A Real Neat Blog Award Post

WomenBehindWordsI have felt very flattered over the past week to have received two mentions in The Real Neat Blog Award series of posts.
Firstly by Tami at kinkybikermom and then by Catherine SassyCat at: sassycat3000.net . . . both of whom are fabulously fun and enviously prolific bloggers from America.

Neat300x180In keeping with the Real Neat Blog Award theme, they both sent me a number of questions to answer which I have set out to do as best I can below.

Tami and Sassy both: T & S:
Q: What was the reason you decided to start blogging?
A: I’ve been so lucky to have a wonderful “open-marriage” and enjoyed a polyamorous lifestyle with my Hubby for over 30 years. I’d been writing diary accounts of my liaisons with my lovers, and of our swinging experiences for almost all of that time. Initially it started as almost just a list of dates, whens and wheres . . . a way of keeping track I suppose (LOL!!!) But as time passed, and I started adding more “details” it became obvious how much both Hubby and I enjoyed flicking back through the pages from time to time. (This was before the age of home-computers!!!) It made our own next-few-nights afterwards even more fun and exciting.
But the blog itself was started almost as a joke, or dare really. Hubby and I had been idly channel-hopping on the TV and stumbled across one of those technology programs. It was all about the explosion of “normal people” using blogging sites to blog about their hobbies or interests. I joked to Hubby “I could start a blog on how much I love sex”. He said “I dare you! You could post all those diary entries you’ve been writing for years and years” . . . and a few days later Modesty Ablaze was born.
The name Modesty Ablaze came about from one of my “Cougar Moments” with an extremely energetic young man at our local Swingers Club one evening. After we emerged from the “viewing room” to a round of applause from quite a crowd of on-lookers, I blushed and giggled to my young lover “you’ve sent my modesty up in flames”. He replied “Modesty Ablaze”.

T&S: Has that reason changed throughout time?
A: I never imagined anyone would even FIND my blog, let-alone find it interesting. But within a few weeks I started receiving more and more visits . . . and some lovely flattering and sweet emails, comments and lots and lots . . . and lots . . . of questions about our lifestyle. And that really made it obvious to me just how so many people still don’t talk to their partners, or share their thoughts and desires. So I suppose I began more and more to want to say to anybody visiting Modesty Ablaze “look, it doesn’t matter whatever your age, whatever your shape, whatever your gender, whatever your relationship . . . life should be about having fun, communicating all your desires and your fantasies (especially your fantasies), sharing those moments with your loved ones and those around you”. So yes my reasons for continuing with Modesty Ablaze have changed . . . and I hope some of my posts may have helped change others (for the better!)

TQ: Are there other bloggers whose work has given you inspiration? If so, share with us the post and their post that gave you inspiration.
A: I try and follow and try to read, as many posts by as many different bloggers as I can . . . and as time allows (providing it doesn’t interfere too much with my “social life” of course! LOL!!!)  . . . and there are far too many inspirational people to list here. But if you really, really, need some clues to my most visited blogs you could see my Favourites from 2014 List that I included in a Marvellous Year at #wickedwednesday >here<.

SQ: What was the best and worst advice you received when you started your blog? What’s the advice you offer to those just starting out in the blogosphere?
A: Hubby saying “you can’t possibly blog like you talk!” is the best AND the worst advice!!!My advice to anyone starting out would be the same advice I give to ANYONE about ANYTHING “If you’re not having fun doing it, then don’t do it !!!”

TQ: If there was one question you could ask your favorite blogger what would it be?
A: How on earth do you manage your time so efficiently to blog every day ???

SQ: Where do you see yourself in 5 years of blogging? What is your ultimate goal for your blog?
A: If I’m not still having fun doing it, there won’t be Modesty Ablaze in 5 years.The ultimate goal for my blog is to: Make people smile, make people happy, make people feel good about themselves and . . . therefore make the people around them feel good about themselves!!!

TQ: Did you ever see yourself as any type at all blogger? (The underline is for whatever label you give your blog. Sex, kink, dating, etc.)
A: No !!!

SQ: What are some adjectives you would like your readers to use to describe your blog and why?
A: Sexy and Fun !!! (Because “If you’re not having fun doing it, then don’t do it !!!”)

TQ: What website on the entire web, besides your own, do you spend the most time on?
A: Make Love Not Porn at: https://makelovenotporn.tv/

SQ: How important are blog stats, page ranks and comments for you?
A: I don’t have enough time to investigate or worry about stats or page ranks (what are they even?). But it is always nice to receive comments and email messages (I still try to answer every sensible one).

TQ: Gotta ask one toy question. Name your absolute favorite sex toy. (More than one is fine.)
A: Hubby !!!

SQ: Describe a typical blogging day for you. (What you do first, etc.)
A: Try to write down what happened the night before!!!

TQ: Last one is just for fun. Who is your favorite superhero and why?
A: Mistress Modesty Ablaze of course! . . . Why ? . . . LOL! Can’t you guess!!!

SQ: What is your favorite blogging meme to take part in and why?
A: Scavenger Hunt of course! . . . Why ? . . . It’s thrilling and FUN!!!

So, thank you so much to Tami and Sassy for asking me those questions above. It was actually quite a fun, and easy part of this Real Neat Blog Award. The difficult part is choosing who to ask some questions of my own because, as I mentioned before, there are so many blogs I love visiting to read so many arousing and erotic words . . . and . . . gaze with envy at so many lovely, arousing and erotic photographs!!!

But . . . You know I am ALWAYS curious to know from other people, two of those same questions that both Tami and Sassy asked me.
1.  What made you start blogging? (Yes, I know it is a recurring question, but it is interesting to know isn’t it!)
2.  Has that reason changed throughout time?
But also things I am always curious about whenever I’m scrolling through a new blog or posting.
3.  How did you come about your blog name?
4.  Do you share your blog with your partner / special friend before you make each post?
5.  Your lifestyle obviously influences your blog, but has your blog, or reading other blogs you have discovered via your own, influenced your lifestyle?
6.  How on earth do you manage your time so efficiently to blog?

And the people I’d most like to ask those questions of?

Well . . . and I realise that some of them may have already been nominated, or participated, so they may not thank me for asking . . . but I would actually like to ask those questions of:
Xxx –  K

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Filed under Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Modesty’s memories of Desire #wickedwednesday

This week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is “Desire” . . . the very emotion that first set my Modesty Ablaze and started Hubby and I on our amazing journey that has brought us here.

So I thought it an appropriate moment to share an excerpt from my diaries at the time. Diaries that I wrote initially to share only with Hubby . . . then became brave enough to share in short posts on my first attempts at blogging here at modestyablaze.com . . . and then, at the suggestion of several early followers, to publish as short autobiographical ebooks.

The excerpt here is from my first diary “The Journey”.

S had been texting and calling me for a week suggesting we meet for “an early Valentines”. As the weather had been so bad over the past few days, and negotiating the streets and finding parking in Hampstead can be difficult even in normal circumstances, we agreed to meet directly at our normal hotel. S suggested we could order room service and just soak in the bath whilst we waited.

He’d reminded me it would be an “anniversary” of sorts (he’s always coming up with “anniversaries” of different meetings, places or events of our times together) . . . so I decided to impress him by packing the red bra, panties and suspenders set he’d bought me last year into my “work bag” as I left for the office in the morning. I’d shown James of course as we got ready to leave for work. We always kiss our goodbyes even more passionately in the morning when he knows that I’ll be meeting S after work, but knowing that I was taking “special undies” made him even more passionate than normal.

The, by now, depressing routine of nine hours plus at the office was made more bearable during the day by my tingles of excitement that I’d be having an evening out after work! I freshened-up in the washroom as all my colleagues disappeared one by one, and I locked myself in my office to do my nails and begin changing. I knew I had loads of time before I needed to call a taxi, so decided to do my toenails as well. As I sat with my tissue dividers between my toes waiting for them to dry I got more and more excited thinking about “dressing-up” for my meeting. I’d already changed into my bra and suspenders and panties and was sitting on my chair with just my jacket draped around my shoulders whilst waiting for my nails to dry. I decided that perhaps I didn’t need my blouse or skirt after-all . . . that perhaps I could just arrive with my grey woollen overcoat and scarf . . . and nothing else at all apart from my lacy red undies. I was sure he’d really appreciate seeing his gift displayed so quickly as I took-off my coat!

Then reality kicked-in and I realised how dangerous, and naughty, it would be to be sitting in the back of a taxi all the way from the West End to the other side of Hampstead with virtually nothing on except for a coat and scarf. I’d walked, in the middle of the night, the few streets to and from S’s house like that, but travelling miles and miles in the back of a black cab . . . that was an entirely different matter!

The more I thought about it though, the more tingly I became. I thought about calling James and asking him, but I knew he’d be on his way home and, anyway, I knew what he would say of course!!

I removed the tissues and pulled on and fastened my stockings. I pulled on my coat and scarf and sneaked down the corridor to the washroom. The mirror isn’t full-length but I stood back as far as I could to see if it “looked unusual”. As I slipped back to my office I knew I’d have to be phoning for a cab soon anyway, so I had to make up my mind. I could hear my voice almost trembling as I phoned. Here I was ordering a taxi on the business account . . . arranging to meet a lover not a client . . . and I was hardly dressed appropriately for company travel . . . Would the radio-controller be able to tell from my voice, would the cab-driver know ?

Fifteen minutes before the cab would arrive and I took off my coat and started to put on my skirt . . . several times!

I was excited . . . and then sensible . . . and then excited . . . and then nervous again. Then my phone rang. Security from reception to say my taxi had arrived !! I pushed my blouse and skirt into the bottom drawer of my desk, tightened my scarf as tightly as I could . . . and, almost floated, to the door of the lifts.

I have sunbathed topless in Spain and Greece, streaked naked for a few hundred yards through Epping Forest in the pouring rain, spent a day at the Tennis Championships with no panties beneath my dress . . . but I have never felt so tingly and so naughty . . . and so aroused as I felt sitting in the back of that taxi. As we crawled along Edgware Road and I gazed out of the window at everybody bustling by and the other cars next to us in the traffic, I felt hot flushes rather than chilly as I thought I might. The taxi-driver had his heater on of course, but it was my tingling that was making me feel hot, and I was sure my face must have been as red as my nails and lipstick. The driver was jovial and talkative . . . and I was polite and conversational in return, but all the time my mind was racing about what James would think when I told him later of how I’d left the office. We were still ten minutes away from the hotel when S texted to tell me he’d arrived and gave me the room number. I replied that he could “start running me a bath” and that I would be there soon.

I certainly felt the chill as I stepped out of the taxi outside the hotel and thanked the driver . . . but I felt a completely different sensation as I strode across the foyer and stepped into the lift !!

I found the room easily and tapped lightly on the door. S kissed me lightly on the cheek as he let me into the room, telling me “your bath is ready madam”. But as I twisted off my scarf and unbuttoned and opened my coat he just stood for a few seconds, his face changing from a smile to almost a gasping look . . . “wow, incredible, simply incredible” . . . before stepping forward and pulling me into a squeezing embrace. His hands were running all over my back and his kisses almost stiffling me. I had to pull away and extricate my arms from the sleeves of the coat before he was pulling me into him again and kissing down my neck to my breasts. He unclipped my bra and was then sucking at my nipples . . . all seemingly within a few seconds. We were still standing just inside the door of the room. “Do you remember these?” I asked him as I helped him slide the straps of the bra from my shoulders. “Of course. I can’t believe you came just like this”.

“Mmm. I can’t believe I did either, but it’s made me feeling very naughty!” We continued kissing, still standing in the same spot. He had slid both his hands inside my panties, squeezing my bum cheeks and kissing from one nipple to the other. He pulled my panties down, dropping down onto his knees as he pulled them to the floor, and nuzzling into my pussy. As I opened my legs to step out of the panties and shake them off each ankle, his tongue was licking between my lips and he was pulling me into his face as he kissed and licked more. He stood up and led me across to the bed, sitting me down and then kneeling down by the side of the bed to continue licking at me more. I was already tingling all over but protested I should “have my bath first”. He lifted away to say I tasted so sweet and sexy that he didn’t want to stop. He pulled off my shoes as he continued to lick at me and then as I lay back a little more onto the bed, I felt  . . .

There is more of course . . . but I wouldn’t want you to become bored . . . SO, So, so . . . for more thoughts, memories and experiences of “Desire”, this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday, simply click the button below!!!


Xxx – K

P.S. – If you would like to read the conclusion of this excerpt, “The Journey” my first auto-biographical diary is availabe as an E-book PDF >here<.



Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

Burlesque Fun #sinfulsunday

ModestyCloserCleopatraJust returned from a wonderfully fun evening at London Burlesque with our favourite friends . . . wish I’d worn my special swinging jewellery!!!

See just who else is sinfully swinging this Sinful Sunday by kissing
the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modesty’s “Passionate Kisses” newest #realworldsex video @makelovenotporn


New experiences, new situations and new passions are always fun for me. And my brand new video . . . with a brand new lover . . . at  MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is a wonderful example of that.

Discovering new touches, new smells, new caresses and letting that “new-ness” just develop naturally, feeling happy that you can enjoy such new emotions through a lovers touch . . . and that you can give that same joy and happiness back to someone in return.

And I think it will be obvious from this video just how much fun we both had . . . and I hope you will be able to feel part of our evening together.

There are some screen shots and Free Peek links to “Passionate Kisses”, and all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . or, you can view my introductory video >here<.

“Passionate Kisses” is my fifteenth video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my 15 #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

And don’t forget, you can ask me ANY questions you like about any of my videos, or anything about MakeLoveNotPorn in the form below.

NB: Submissions from this form are emailed directly to my In-box and are NOT displayed publicly. (Alternatively, you can make public comments, in the normal way, from the “Comment” panel at the very foot of this post).

[contact-form subject=’Question from MLNP Question Form?’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Question(s)’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’How did you find me?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Make Love Not Porn


Xxx – K

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn, Multiple Orgasms, womens Erotica

Teasing #sinfulsunday

I’d never wish to be described as a cock teaser . . . but when holding my flogger!

Modesty Ablaze Teasing at Sinful Sunday

I do quite enjoy administering this sort of “cock-teasing” . . . and I know that on this occasion, my newest-submissive certainly enjoyed it as well.

You can find lots more teasing of the senses, at this weekend’s Sinful Sunday from stroking (or flogging) the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Female Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

Modesty Waterfall #scavengerhunt 57

Finally . . . for all those that have asked . . . my brisk morning walk, led me to the famous Waterfalls I mentioned in my #scavengerhunt 53 post late last year.

ModestyAblazeFalls1And the torrent of water certainly does make an impressive sight . . . and sound
. . . when standing directly above one of the viewing points along the riverbank.

ModestyAblazeFalls4The history of the falls makes for some very interesting reading! From the legends of the past and how the falls came to be named (Huka being the Maori word for “foam”) . . . to even more recent times. Such as 1989 – when a local Dominatrix was arrested after the body of a well-known Cricket Umpire was found beneath the falls with wrists and ankles bound in bondage fashion!

ModestyAblazeFalls2Little wonder that the falls are apparently the most visited natural attraction
in the country . . . oh, in fact I think I can hear another walking party
approaching now!

ModestyAblazeFalls5Still, even despite the constant thundering noise of the water . . . and the constant stream of visitors (there is yet another party on the opposite bank behind me) . . . the falls do give one a strange sense of peace and tranquility and relaxation.
In fact a perfect location for a Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt  photo-set!!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt walk-abouts at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some of my previous walking adventures at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Modesty and the London Escort Girl


Fantasy is such a powerful emotion isn’t it!!! The following story is based on a long-standing fantasy of my own, rekindled . . . in fact I should say re-ignited . . . by a recent email.

I giggled at the first in-box message of the day . . . “Could you teach me to be a Dominatrix” it read.

I’d had similar messages before of course, despite only recently embarking on my own journey into the world of FemDom.

I politely replied: “Thank you for your message. But I am new to being a Dominatrix myself . . . and still learning things with every new session . . . so I am probably not the best person to teach a newbie as well. It would be better for you to find a much more experienced Mistress to help.”

I continued on, working my way through the rest of the mornings emails, but within minutes a reply to my message popped back-up on my screen.

“No, I think you would be perfect” it began. “I’m working as an Escort for LondonEscortGirls4u and I want to add more variety to my services. You make everything on your blog seem like such fun. Even from behind your mask, or your sunglasses in your pictures, you look like you are always enjoying the things you do.”

It’s always nice to receive flattering comments and messages, but I knew from past experiences over the three years of Modesty Ablaze, that one shouldn’t take such praise on face value. Sometimes the motive behind such flattery has been something I have not wished to encourage!

But there was one thing about this email that stirred a spark of interest and curiosity within me. Her words “I’m working as an Escort” sent tingles of excitement through me!

For as far back as I can remember, hearing whispered comments of “she’s one of those Escort Girls” or reading scandalous newspaper stories of “The Minister and the Escort Girl”, I’d been intrigued and excited. The reactions of all of those around me, parents and girlfriends, was always one of shock and distaste. But for me, the naughtiness and the scandal, stirred entirely different feelings. Instead of disgust I yearned to know more. The mystery, the glamour and yes especially the sexuality, of those stories always left me tingling . . . imagining and desiring to perhaps be part of that world. Wined and dined at the finest West End restaurants, spotted in my heels and the very latest of outfits from the most expensive of boutiques, being whisked off on the arm of a wealthy city banker or stockbroker to the most exclusive of nightclubs. And now here, all these years later, was someone who really was living that life . . . if my email was to be believed.

I followed the link to the Gallery page in her message and scrolled until I found her. The portfolio of photographs were model-perfect. What could she possibly want to gain from becoming a Dominatrix I wondered.

I re-read her email and noted her mobile number was different from the contact number on the website. I decided to dial . . . after all I could block my caller-id . . . just to see how genuine this message may be.

“Hello” . . . the soft tones were unmistakenly female as my call was answered almost immediately it began to ring.

I introduced myself as “Mistress Modesty” and began gaining in confidence as our conversation progressed. Within minutes we were exchanging experiences and stories, giggling and laughing as if we were old friends. I had no hesitation in accepting her offer to meet the following day for coffee at a bar in Mayfair that we both frequented regularly . . . joking that perhaps we were already on nodding terms.

Try as I might, for the rest of the afternoon, I couldn’t stop thinking about my Escort Girl fantasies of old. And I excitedly recounted everything I could remember about our conversation to Hubby as soon as he arrived home
that evening.

“I imagine she’s every bit as excited about tomorrow as you are” he said.

“Oh no” I replied, “she has a client tonight”.

There was no mistaking her . . . sitting at a table near the door when I arrived . . . somehow more real and natural than in her photographs on the website. Her perfectly styled hair and those friendly, confident sparkling eyes, made me wonder if her meeting the previous evening had actually been quite a short one, she looked so fresh and relaxed.

We were soon engrossed in further exchanges of our life-style experiences, both different and yet similar in so many ways. She explained just how many roles she needed to embrace to make her the perfect companion for her hosts . . . and I explained mine.

We’d been chatting for over 30 minutes when I felt her eyes gazing more and more intensely at mine as I was speaking . . . and then felt myself stammer and stop in mid-sentence as she slid her hands across the table to softly curl her fingers around my own. “You are enchanting” she said, “I think we have so much in common, you and I”.

I tried to look away, tried to pull my hands back as she gently squeezed them. My pulse was racing, my heart beating.

“I’m still not sure I can teach you anything about being a Mistress” I tried to say, sensing that sudden change between us.

“We can teach each other darling, I’m sure” she almost whispered in reply. “Modesty at LondonEscortGirls4U . . . how does that sound?”

ModestyEscortGlassTo be continued . . . obviously!!!

Xxx – K

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Filed under BDSM fun, Escort Girls, Female Dominatrix, womens Erotica

Mirror Mirror @ #sinfulsunday

ModestyAblazeMirrorJan18Mirror, mirror on the wall  . . . of all the things that you must have seen,
what is the most Sinful of all?

Our premier-room mirror during a wonderfully fun evening with our most special of special friends last November, as we joked about what sights those mirrors must have seen.

You are bound to find lots more Sinful Sunday fun by
gazing into the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Latex & Lace, Sexy Lingerie, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Modesty’s Earth Moving Moment #scavengerhunt 56

ModestyDiggers1I do so LOVE big “equipment” . . . and loved finding this impressive piece of machinery just around the corner from our holiday apartment
in Greece last summer.

ModestyDiggers2Mmmm . . . it very probably is the largest piece of rubber
I’ve ever encountered!!!

ModestyDiggers3In fact it just felt so impressive wherever I touched and caressed it . . .

ModestyDiggers4And you know what they say about German engineering . . . well the earth certainly moved for me on that holiday . . . lots of times!!!

So I’d love for Curvaceous Dee to include this in her “Earth Moving Equipment” category at her wonderfully fun Scavenger Hunt Meme.

You can see lots of my other “moving moments” on my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some individual scenes at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

A Sinful Smack @ #sinfulsunday

Modesty's Sinful SmackA Sinful Sunday Smack from Friday evening with sub Winst.

I had lots of my Mistress Modesty fun for several hours with my subs in
The Serpent Rooms dungeon.

You are bound to find lots more Sinful Sunday fun from smacking
the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica