Tag Archives: Voyeurism

Modest Sporting Achievements #wickedwednesday

I’ve always enjoyed sports of one sort or another over the past few years.
You know, activities like my Tennis, Cycling, Golfing, Walking, Sailing, Skateboarding . . . and following the Football !!!

But my very favourite sporting activity is, of course, Scavenger Hunting.
I find it’s wonderful for some outdoor exercise and it’s almost always quite exciting, fulfilling . . . and most importantly for me . . . a lot of fun !!!

Such as my recent visit to the Viaduct !!!


I’d like to say that it was quite a peaceful spot . . . but it was obviously very popular with dog-walkers . . .


And there was a regular rumble from the Trains passing by on the
railway tracks overhead.


I could feel the strong vibrations every time one went by . . . and you know how much I LOVE vibrations!!!


And yet . . . despite the occasional dog running around the pillars
beside me . . . and a worried owner calling out for them to come back to the pathway . . . it still felt a very calm and peaceful place.


So much so . . . that I was feeling very relaxed and quite enjoying myself.


And even when I had to put my coat back on to cross the bridge over the canal


. . . I still felt just as peaceful and relaxed on the other side!!!

There’s sure to be lots more Sporting Achievements to be enjoyed at this week’s #wickedwednesday from tapping the medal below!


Xxx – K

And I enjoyed myself so much at the Viaduct that I’d like to nominate it as a brand-new event category at Jades Scavenger Hunt list!
Lots more of my Scavenger Hunt achievements can be viewed at my Listings page and there are now 90 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Modesty’s Splish, Splash, Splosh #wickedwednesday


I mean Splish, Splash, Splosh with SUNTAN LOTION silly . . . I have absolutely NO IDEA what you were thinking I was meaning!


Look . . . see . . . it really IS Suntan Lotion. And, if you are out in the sun this summer, I really do recommend you . . . Splish, Splash, Splosh . . . lots and lots on ALL of your private bits!
And that goes for you boys too . . . I mean down there . . . where the sun may not normally shine! After all, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than sunburn on your erectile bits is there???

And you can slide-on-over to lots more cautionary tales on “Sunburn” by slapping Marie’s #wickedwednesday button below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Anus Interruptus #sinfulsunday

I always like to explore whenever I am away on holiday . . . and when I was told that the highest mountain on the island was Mount Ainos I just had to investigate. Especially as the locals always seemed to pronounce it as . . . well, you know,
like ones . . . bottom!!!

“Apparently the road is very narrow and very twisty, and remember it’s my first day in the car” said an obviously worried Hubby.
“But darling it sound’s like a perfect ‘Mountain Scavenger Hunt’ spot” I winked and cajoled in reply.
And as we rose higher and higher up the mountain, the view was certainly spectacular . . . but very, very windy when we finally pulled into a car parking area near the summit.


So windy in fact that I had to lean back and steady myself against the sign.


“Just look at the view” I shouted to Hubby above the wind. “Isn’t it beautiful!”
“Yes, it’s fantastic” he shouted back . . . even though he was facing in completely the wrong direction!


“Come round in front of me then!” I yelled to him as I turned around to face into the wind to give him a better view of the valley below.


“Come on then” I said, “I can see two other cars on the road below, let’s go up to the top before they get here!”


But, as I turned away, there was another sudden gust of wind and I felt my sarong almost blown completely off me. The fabric had come undone on my left shoulder!!! Luckily the other had held fast and I caught it under my arm and then managed to wrap it back round me as we struggled back to the car.
“Drive me down to the far end, before those other cars arrive, and I’ll try to tie it back together somehow!”


Once he’d re-parked, Hubby got out to stand by the drivers side window to shield me from view should another car pull into the car park . . . finding it all a great joke as I struggled with my knots.
He had his head inside the car and was still laughing and making fun of me when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a cloud of dust above the boulders in front of us, accompanied by first a rumbling sound . . . then a strange ringing . . . like a discordant bell of some sort. Then within seconds I was horrified to see scores of shapes bounding over the rocks coming straight towards us.
“Get in the car!!!” I screamed. “We’re in a stampede!!!”


But Hubby had heard, and seen them as well, and was already scrambling in through the door as what seemed like hundreds of goats streamed past us on either side of the car.


As we recovered our composure . . . and I’d pulled my torn sarong up over my
chest . . . we noticed a goat herder walking along the road at the side of the
car park scattering food of some sort into the ditch.

And, as the occupants of those other two cars I’d spotted on the road below us, pulled into the car park and jumped out with their own cameras, we decided it was an appropriate moment to set off back down the hill to find a quieter spot for me to try to re-dress.

I’m sure there will be lots more dressing and undressing fun at this week’s
Sinful Sunday from clicking the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

And as I’d almost inadvertently had my own flag flown at the top of Mount . . .
I still giggle every time I say it . . . Ainos . . . I would like to add this as a “Mountain” notch to Pieces of Jade’s, fun Scavenger Hunt meme.

And, if you are interested, you can discover lots more of my Scavenger Hunt submissions at current Scavenger Hunt page or visit my
Scavenger Slideshow!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Modesty’s Life Buoy #wickedwednesday


June . . . and the weather here in London still doesn’t know what it wants to do! So I was so glad I wore my coat on my walk into the office yesterday. It was sunny and pleasant as I strolled through Regent’s Park . . . but the clouds overhead looked like the rain was already on it’s way again.


I always make a point of stopping here at the Life Buoy Ring . . . just to check and make sure that no-one has strolled inadvertently into the lake and might be needing assistance.  I suppose it’s just from remembering my short, but fun, Lifeguard Duty stint I had on my hols two years ago!

I’m always ready to shout “Don’t Give Up” and throw the ring into the water should there be an emergency! And as this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is “Don’t Give Up” I thought it quite appropriate.

You will find more helpful examples of not giving up from Marie’s #wickedwednesday button below!


Xxx – K

This will also be my latest contribution to Pieces of Jade’s, fun
Scavenger Hunt for the “Life Buoy Ring category!
And you can discover lots more of my Scavenger-moments on my current playlist at my
Scavenger Slideshow page!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest View #wickedwednesday

ModestyAblazeBeachViewIs it just me, or does summer seem to be so slow in starting this year???

I’m having to resign myself to closing my eyes, and thinking of my secluded beach, blue skies, warm sand and the gentle lapping of the waters edge.

I just can’t wait to re-live my “view”, from last summer, in a few weeks time!!!

And I’m sure you will discover lots more “Views” at this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday from the-button below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Lifeboat Support #wickedwednesday


Whenever I am away on holiday I always try to get a little involved in local life. On my previous visit I was happy to volunteer for a short stint of Beach Lifeguard Duty . . . and on our return this past summer the local Beach Bar owner mentioned they were looking for extra members for their Lifeboat Crew.


So, of course, I felt duty bound to offer my support.


Most of the visitors seemed to be enjoying the beach too much to show much interest . . . oh wait, here comes someone now!


No, he was too busy on his phone to stop and chat . . . and just strolled on by!


Perhaps I’ll just have to offer my help for some Poster Advertising . . . or possibly a Lifeboat Calendar Fundraiser for next summer!!!

Adverts & Advertising is this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday . . .
so I thought it just the place to start my Campaign!
And I’m sure if you tap on the Button below there will be lots more interesting advertising campaigns to learn about.


And, of course, I thought I could add my “Lifeboat Poster” to my Scavenger Hunt Collection . . . and my Scavenger Slideshow Portfolio >here<!!!

Why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, let’s all dare to bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Modesty Ablaze Summer Showers #scavengerhunt


I’ve never really liked swimming in the sea . . . all that sand, and the salt,
seems to stick everywhere, even in one’s private bits.
So I really do think a quick shower is essential . . .

ModestyAblazeShower2And, luckily, on our recent summer hols in Greece, there were several beach-showers conveniently located by the steps up to the promenade.

ModestyAblazeShower3But by late afternoon, after most of the locals had gone home for their early evening break, the water was surprisingly cold. But certainly very refreshing . . . and just what I needed before heading back to the apartment for
my own early-evening . . . break ???

I’m not sure if “Outdoor Public Showers” is a category at the soon-to-be-new Scavenger Hunt pages . . . but it was certainly fun hoping it will be!

And you can discover more of my scavenger-attempts at my
Scavenger Slideshow page >here<!!!

Why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, let’s all dare to bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Modesty Ablaze “Girl on a Swing” #scavengerhunt


I’ve always liked to swing . . . from childhood excursions to the local playground . . .


And, in fact, to this very playground with my own children . . .


Probably, even on these very swings . . .


Although I think this slide is definitely a new addition . . .


I do remember this mini climbing frame though. Trying to get them exhausted before their afternoon nap!


But now of course, I prefer exercise and climbing . . . and “swinging” . . . of a different kind!!!

But, it was fun to make this return visit and add “Playground” to
my Scavenger Hunt collection.

And you can discover more of my exercising at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, let’s all dare to bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Modesty Ablaze Skateboard Park #scavengerhunt


I’m told that to be good on a skateboard one needs to have good balancing skills.


Well . . . although I don’t actually own a skateboard . . . I have often been complimented on my “balance”.

ModestyAblazeSkateboard3And when I came across this skateboard park recently, I was tempted to ask one of the young skaters who were just finishing their fun, if I could borrow one of their boards and try for myself.

Hubby reminded me though that I wasn’t really dressed appropriately . . . so perhaps I’ll have to return on another occasion.

In the meantime though, I hope Dee will allow me to add this as a location at her wonderfully fun Scavenger Hunt page, which I would really recommend you visit . . . and perhaps add some skating moments of your own!
Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt visits at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page !

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

A wine . . . or three at #sinfulsunday

Whenever I’m away on holiday I always look forward to sampling the local wine. So I was delighted to discover an absolutely wonderful winery just a few miles inland from our holiday apartment recently. Especially as they were offering a guided tour of their vineyards . . . AND sample tastings!!!

ModestyWine1As you can imagine . . . I was in my element, surrounded by bottles and bottles!!!

ModestyWine2The smell from the machinery was so intoxicating that I felt flushed all over!!!

ModestyWine3And by the time we got to the vats . . . I was beginning to feel a little tipsy!

ModestyWine4Which is possibly why the lady behind me, working on checking the screw top seals, declined my offer of a helping hand.

ModestyWine5But anyway, after spending quite some time sampling their most recommended wines and, as usual, being the last to leave . . . I am sure they were happy that I purchased several bottles at the end of the tour.

I was a little disappointed though that they hadn’t let me actually pick any of the grapes myself . . . so insisted that Hubby stop on the long driveway on the way out for one last look!!!

ModestyWine7 I am quite sure you will find lots of other intoxicating indulgences this Sinful Sunday from sipping on the lovely lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

P.S. I had such a lovely, indulgent afternoon, (and possibly one or two too-many glasses) that I’m not sure if my visit qualifies for “Vineyard” or “Winery” at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt site?
Perhaps I’ll have to go back again just to make sure!!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt attempts at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page ! or view some of my previous Scavengers at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Oh . . . and why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, it’s such fun!
Let’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday