Tag Archives: The Infiniti Dual Stimulation Vibrator

The Infiniti Vibrator from Nomi Tang reviewed by Modesty Ablaze

It’s always nice doing new toy reviews . . . but even nicer when you are approached by a company and asked to review one of their newest products.

And that’s just what happened recently when I was asked to review Nomi Tang’s newest sex toy . . . The Infiniti Rechargeable Dual-Stimulation, Water-proof (see my video review), Vibrator.

ModestyInfiniti2x400x300I had not heard of Nomi Tang before but was immediately impressed by their professional approach and well laid-out product catalogue.

Nomi started working on her sex-toy designs in 2008 and all of her products look so stylish and classy, that I wish I’d discovered Nomi Tang much, much sooner.

The Infiniti is Nomi’s newest vibrator and my first impression on opening the outer box was how wonderful the packaging is.
I really do think that a nice presentation makes such a difference . . . not just when opening for the very first time, but in fact every time I go to my toy drawer. It just makes that particular toy seem so much more “special” to be able to immediately see the box I’m looking for, rather than having to rummage through plastic bags or plain containers. It’s almost calming, and soothing, in a way . . . part of my mood . . . knowing I’m reaching for a special companion, making me smile and giving me a warming expectation, and excitement, when I lift it up in my hand.

The internal box housing The Infiniti itself slides out of the glossy outer sleeve and is strong and sturdy and made of a fabricky-feeling cardboard. On lifting the lid the Infinti sits snuggly in it’s own satin cushion . . . with it’s USB-charging lead, and small (very small) manual tucked in the side. It’s actually not just that the manual itself is small, but also that the type is very small and, for my eyes at least, difficult to read in the usual “atmospheric-mood lighting” in which I normally play.

Modesty Ablaze and The Infiniti Vibrator at Nomi TangThe toy itself though feels absolutely lovely to the touch. It is completely covered in a seamless, FDA Grade Silicon, (so is perfectly safe for all your private bits!!!) It has that sort of wonderfully smooth “velvety” feeling and you instantly know, when you squeeze and caress it, that it is definitely a high-class, quality product . . . I just can’t stop stroking it !!!

You’ll first need to charge the Infiniti with the supplied USB cable and because the toy is waterproof . . . more on that later!!! . . . the tiny hole for the charging pin is a little difficult to find at first. You can plug the Infiniti into the USB port on your computer, although I found the excitement of having it sitting next to me whilst I was trying to tap-away on my keyboard was just too distracting. So I now prefer to plug it into a USB connector plug and discretely plug it into a wall socket . . . out of sight, out of mind !!!!

The bottom charging light glows red whilst it is charging . . . I found it took about four hours for the initial charge . . . so you musn’t get too impatient!!! The light will turn-off when it is fully charged.

I much prefer my toys to be re-chargeable, rather than battery powered as there’s nothing more annoying than batteries suddenly running out in the middle of one’s special moment. (But, of course, you should always remember to recharge it after a long session, or if you haven’t used it for a while). Nomi says the Infiniti will run for up to one and a half hours after charging, but in my play sessions so far I haven’t been able to last anywhere near that time! LOL!!!

Modesty Ablaze and The Infiniti VibratorThere are two buttons that operate two independent motors, one at each tip. Being under the silicone skin, they are quite subtle in appearance but finding them will soon become second nature. When you first turn-on after charging you have to hold down both buttons until they glow, to unlock the power-saving mode. They have 5 vibration cycles, the last two giving pulsing motions . . . I actually prefer the third setting !!!

The two buttons work independently so you can control the speed and vibration-patterns for different settings at either end. I found them a bit fiddly at first, but you’ll soon find which settings work best for you. Even at it’s highest setting, the Infiniti is quite quiet . . . and YET manages surprisingly strong and powerful vibrations!!! In fact, on my favourite setting, they are strong enough to bring me off quite quickly just by holding, and sliding the shaft back and forth, over my clit.

But being a “greedy girl” I was also anxious to try inserting the lovely, vibrating, shaft to see if it would have the same effect internally, as it did externally. I was rather hoping that I would be able to feel the Infiniti throbbing over my “G-Spot” whilst the smaller tip buzzed orgasmically again over my clit.

Unfortunately though, my body-shape doesn’t seem to quite match the proportions, or positions, of the two vibrating points. It’s not that the Inifiniti is too long, or too wide . . . I don’t normally have any problems accommodating length or girth (LOL!!!). It’s obviously just that my shape, doesn’t coincide with the Infiniti’s. I did try twisting or turning, or pushing further inwards and upwards, to try to bring the external point to reach my clit, but it became a little uncomfortable and I lost my concentration. But the fact that this part of the design doesn’t work for me, doesn’t mean it couldn’t work for you. After-all, we are all different shapes, and have our sensitive bits in different places . . . and, of course, we don’t all get-off on the same things, do we?

I know some ladies can’t come without penetration, whilst others can only come from clitoral stimulation and don’t need penetration at all. And the Infiniti certainly does give “wonderful” stimulation to my clit !!!

To turn off one of the tips you just push and hold down for a few seconds . . . or if you do want to turn them both off at the same time, you . . . rather obviously . . . hold both buttons down together.

So, despite the internal fit problem, I’ve really enjoyed my play sessions with The Infiniti so far. AND, unlike some of my other newer toys, I have gone back to reaching for Infiniti on numerous occasions since, especially as it is waterproof (you’ll have to watch my video below!)

Modesty Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Quiet and surprisingly powerful, wonderful for clitoral stimulation, stylish ergonomic shape, waterproof.
Cons: Tiny manual in very small type (so difficult to read in “atmospheric mood lighting”). Didn’t quite fit my-shape for complete internal stimulation . . . but that is possibly just me, it might fit you like-a-glove.
Material: FDA Medical grade Silicone
Phthalate Alert: None
Size: 200 mm long x 78 mm x 36mm diameter
Weight: 180g
Batteries: None. The Infiniti has an internal rechargeable battery and can be charged via the USB port on any USB-capable device, or via a mains USB-adaptor plug (not supplied).
Internal Battery Life: 1.5 hours
Cable Supplied: USB charging cable supplied.
Intensity: Surprising powerful on it’s highest setting.
Volume: <45dB apparently . . . which translates for me to comfortingly quiet, so could be used without arousing adjacent rooms.
Ease of Use: Easy after initial practice with power buttons and intensity adjustments.
Speeds: 5
Available Colours: Red or Violet
Offers: Escalating speeds & different pulsing.
Waterproof: Yes (wonderfully!!!) up to one meter apparently!
Lube: Water-Based, or Silicone-Based only.
After-care: Wash with warm soapy water after use or with Nomi’s Cleaner.
Manufacturer Product link: The Infiniti
Buy Link: Nomi Tang Distributors Worldwide.

**The Infiniti was sent to me, free-of-charge, by Nomi Tang for an honest and un-biased review.**

The Infiniti Vibrator from Nomi Tang

Modesty Ablaze reviews Nomi Tang's Infiniti Vibrator

To watch my Video Review of The Infiniti >Click< on the picture below!!!

Modesty Ablaze Video Review of The Infiniti Vibrator

Oh, and P.S. On October 11th !!!

Last night we just made a “private” video of me using The Infiniti (not in the bath, LOL!!!) If you are one of my Private Balcony Members and would like to see me and my Infiniti in action, just complete the (confidential) form below, and I will send you the link as soon as we upload it to my Balcony Members Page.

 Xxx – K


Filed under Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews

From Modesty 2 Infiniti #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze and The Infiniti Dual Stimulation VibratorIt’s been such a busy . . . and very, very Sinful week. So busy in fact, that I had a little lie-in this Sunday morning . . . but still managed yet more sinfulness with my newest toy The Infiniti !!!

And I’m positive you’ll find lots more sinfulness from a little peck on the lips below. Enjoy – (I’m just off for a soothing bath . . . with my Infiniti of course!!!)

Sinful Sunday

P.s. For those who have asked about my new toy since I posted the picture above, more on The Infiniti !!!

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday