Early in November I had the pleasure of visiting Sexpo UK at London’s Olympia Exhibition Centre. Sexpo was a three day “sexual-health and lifestyle” event featuring lots of adult-brand retailers exhibiting their latest products, some of whom I was familiar with and some not. And whilst I was browsing the aisles I was approached by two attractive young men.
Now, as you can imagine, I always enjoy being approached by attractive young men . . . especially when they actually have something interesting to show me . . . and my interest was further aroused when they began explaining the concept of their Fantasy Box Subscription Service.
They explained that Fantasy Box had proved very successful in America since it was started there in 2012 . . . and that they were part of the organisation that was launching the service here in the UK.
Now you’ll probably already be familiar with all sorts of Subscription Box services . . . and in normal circumstances I would be quite sceptical of a Subscription Service offering sexual items and fantasies. After all, sex is quite a personal thing . . . for most of us at least . . . isn’t it?
But when Alistair and his young colleague showed me their “starter” Classic Fantasy Box and began to explain just how it all worked, I began to get quite interested and also quite intrigued by the stylish design of the box itself. And their explanation that The Fantasy Box was a luxury service designed to help couples explore new dimensions of their relationship, in a safe, fun and creative way, immediately struck a chord with me.
If you’ve visited me here regularly you will know that I’ve often mentioned that not enough of my friends and colleagues communicate properly or openly enough with their partners. For so many reasons, they find it difficult to express all of their sexual thoughts and desires and are afraid to be really honest and open up about those things . . . even with their closest and dearest of loved-ones.
Well, as Alistair explained, The Fantasy Box helps one to put all of those fears and worries aside, by offering a vast range of themed ideas and instructions for both partners in a creative and light-hearted manner. Approaching the subject almost as a fun party game . . . and making what, for some people, is an “uncomfortable thing” to begin talking about . . . into a situation that is much less difficult.
So there are no worries about “How do I bring the subject up?” ; “What ideas can I suggest?” ; “What should I wear?” or “What should I say” . . . because all of those things are planned and presented for you by the simple and well-written prompt cards in the box along with a lovely selection of the items needed to play out the suggested scenarios.
I always like to start at the very beginning of course, so my box (the one I’m holding and very briefly previewing in the little video-teaser above) was The Classic Box. The first, starter-box if you will, that you might suggest to . . . or perhaps buy as a surprise gift . . . for your special loved one.
Neither the photos here, nor my video teaser, will do the construction . . . or the packaging of the contents . . . full justice. Because the Box itself is made from a wonderfully strong and rigid (oohh I love that word so much that I’m going to say it again) rigid, and matt-laminated cardboard. It opens via a hinged fold-over cover which is secured initially with a magnetic catch . . . and the cover folds back to reveal this boxes specific welcome and prompt-cards, sitting atop a thinner black-card sleeve which initially hides the inner contents from view. The box is just wonderful and really it is the most beautifully packaged of products I think I’ve ever encountered. Stylish, classy and so well designed . . . and completely in-tune with the whole Fantasy Box concept. I love it !!!
The first “Welcome Card”, printed like an invitation on glossy card, explains that this first box is designed around “communication” and “anticipation” and suggests you begin your evening with perhaps a relaxed romantic dinner . . . and several glasses of Sauvignon for me please! . . . where you can share your first prompts and questions and answers from the folded “Hers” and “His” leaflets included with the Welcome card.
The leaflets each have a numbered list of 20 different question points to ask each other, and short multi-choice selections for the answer that you think best fits your current mood . . . or perhaps your secret desire! Questions such as “I am turned-on by”; or “The best way to build up anticipation is to”; or “My favourite way to get in the mood would be to”; or, “I love it when you kiss & caress my . . .” Each of the questions have four or five suggested answer prompts, but of course you can reply with a completely different answer of your own. I know I certainly would . . . after all, being different is half the fun isn’t it!!
Now written here on this page, you may think these leaflets sound a little impersonal or tacky. BUT, I think you’ll actually find that once you start . . . even if only jokingly at first . . . you’ll soon begin to enjoy it more and more as you play along. AND very probably, become a little bolder and dare I say a little more honest, with every answer. And once you have giggled and gasped your way to the end of each others questions and answers, it will be time to progress to the next little cards that were included with your Welcome Card.
For my starter Box the prompt cards were “The Leader” and “The Follower” . . . with some quite specific suggested instructions for The Leader on what to command The Follower to do.
Now, of course, in my case I ALWAYS have to be The Leader and Hubby, naturally, The Follower. But for yourselves, either one of you could be The Leader . . . and perhaps this might be the PERFECT opportunity for you to reverse what you might think are your normal roles in your relationship!!!
Whoever of you plays which-ever part, you will now be instructed to remove the inner black sleeve-lid of the box to reveal it’s contents and the specific items your cards will be suggesting you use.
My box included a Mask, a wonderfully scented Ambience & Massage Candle, a quite large bottle of Organic Lubricant, a small but tingly-nice curved and ribbed Personal Vibrator (complete with batteries) AND a lovely Black Thong and matching Negligee . . . which actually fitted perfectly (thank you Alistair for such wonderful judgement)!
Now, just as with the “Hers” and “His” questions and answers, you don’t have to follow the Leaders prompt-points to the letter . . . but I’m sure they will “prompt-you” to make up your own twists-and-turns as you go along . . . because I just know a lot of you will be shaking your heads and muttering to yourself, “I don’t like being told what to do”. Well yes, I know, I don’t like that either (I rather prefer to be the one doing the telling!!!) But actually I’ve found that the sheer quality of the Fantasy Box presentation, and of the contents inside, has made me feel that I would certainly like to investigate more.
And I would whole-heartedly recommend you browse the website >here< for lots and lots of information on their Themed Boxes and options.
They have Sensual Themes . . . Costume Themes . . . Shower Themes . . . and definitely for me . . . Master & Slave and Dominatrix Themes . . . and lots, lots more!!!
Each theme, or box, has different contents or options, with fully selectable sizing for clothing items . . . and often different tiers of the box contents. (More toys for example which obviously means, more possibilities and more fun!)
You can subscribe for monthly boxes, or quarterly boxes . . . or, if you prefer, for just one box of your choice for that special occasion. And you can change the frequency of your subscription, or pause, or cancel your deliveries at any time that you wish.
Or, if you’re just feeling a little adventurous . . . perhaps after re-playing the themes of one of your previous boxes and you’d like to add a little extra dimension by just ordering a new set of lingerie . . . or perhaps a new vibrator . . . instead of a complete box, then you can do that too.
The boxes are sent to you discreetly packaged in plain wrapping so they won’t have “SEXUAL FANTASY TOYS for that weird couple in No. 9” stamped all over the box in large red letters. Your postman will just think it’s your monthly delivery of choice biscuits or cheeses and crackers.
So, after my initial doubts, I have to admit that I’ve become quite excited by both the quality and the concept behind The Fantasy Box and . . . especially as they would definitely make an ideal surprise Festive Fun Gift for ones special partner . . . I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending everyone to explore The Fantasy Box immediately! You never know, it could bring a whole new meaning to your Boxing Day!!!
Now . . . I’m off to re-play that “FOLLOW MY LEADER” prompt card again !!!
Modesty Rating: 10 out of 10
Pros: Different and fun. Inspiration and motivational and, did I say FUN !!!
Cons: You may need a brand-new, larger, wardrobe to store all your boxes.
Material: The boxes themselves are constructed of wonderfully rigid and strong cardboard.
Measurements: Approximately 9 inches square and 4 inches in height.
Contents: Each box is different . . . fun . . . interesting!!!
UK website: The Fantasy Box UK
Twitter feed: @thefantasybox
You can watch my Video-Teaser Review of The Fantasy Box >here<.
The Classic Fantasy Box was given to me as a gift by The Fantasy Box, in return for an honest review.
The Modesty Rider:
I realise, of course, that there are already thousands of long-established Sex Toy Reviewers and Review sites . . . most of whom will be far more adept at explaining all the technical details and specifications of things. But for me, sexy clothes and lingerie, sexy toys . . . and even sexy books . . . are all about adding a little fun and excitement to things. So that is how I tend to approach my reviews and videos!!! Just to explain “how it was for me” in a fun, and light-hearted, way without taking things too seriously! Chances are that if something makes me giggle and tingle and feel good, it will score higher on my Modesty Rating.
Visit some of my most recent Sex Product reviews at my Sex Toy Review page >here< or special buy links for specific products >here<.
Xxx – K