Tag Archives: #AdultSexEdMonth

Life . . . and #AdultSexEdMonth


Do you find that life gets in the way sometimes? Gets in the way of . . . well . . .
life really!!!

All those everyday things that are a part of our normal and yes, necessary, day-to-day routine. Family . . . to love, protect and nuture. Work in-the-home . . . to provide that love and protection – and food and clean washing! And work-outside-the home . . . to provide the income to provide that love, protection and nurturing. Often, those everyday routines become just that . . . a routine, a habit
. . . life getting in the way of Life (with a capital L)!!!

Hubby and I have always consciously tried to upset that routine . . . from “duvet days” when the children were younger and we’d take them off to school and then race home, pull out the sofa bed in the front room and snuggle up in front of our favourite Nina Hartley or Jeannie Pepper video-tape. (Yes VHS video-tape! This was before the days of the internet, laptop computers . . . gosh even before the days of DVD’s).

As the children became older and more independent we replaced those duvet days with NWA’s (naughty weekends away) when we would book a hotel for the night and indulge in some life just for ourselves. We still do that of course, sometimes still just for ourselves . . . and sometimes to share with a “special” friend . . . or friends!

Why am I telling you all this? Well because this month is #AdultSexEdMonth, a social media campaign co-ordinated by the wonderfully inspiring Bobbie Morgan, to share educational and informational blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts and infographics about adult sex with the hashtag #AdultSexEdMonth . . . and to help put a little life into life!

To quote Bobbie:
#AdultSexEdMonth is about opening up conversations and changing attitudes about sex in healthy, sex-positive ways — even if it takes subtle baby steps. But when it comes to couples, a recent survey reported that 69% of people have a hard time talking about sex with their partners. We definitely need to change that!

And I couldn’t agree more !!!

Our own sexuality is such an important part of our life . . . a natural, basic emotion and feeling that WE ALL have . . . and yet far too often (and particularly as women), that natural, basic emotion is STILL suppressed and stifled. Often by ourselves through our upbringing and what we consider as the norms of society, or concerns of “what other people may think”.

Attitudes are thankfully changing, and whatever one’s views on whether those changes are single-steps too slow, or fifty shades too many . . . I think we should applaud every step and every change as it happens.

Millions and millions of women around the world are subjected to abuse and sexual repression every single day. Whether through the cultural, religious or political ideology of the regimes they live under . . . or through the more subtle pressures of life around them.

For me, life is about having fun, feeling good about oneself. And feeling good about oneself means you will make those around you feel good about themselves too. Talking about and communicating with ones partners and loved ones, and encouraging them to open-up and talk about their own feelings and desires . . . and to understand that those feelings and desires are perfectly natural and that we all have them . . . is the perfect way of spreading more fun and and enjoyment of our lives.

And #AdultSexEdMonth is such a wonderful way of encouraging that. It features lots and lots of links to wonderful articles and reference points from a huge range of different points-of-view and perspectives about making us all feel better about ourselves and about being able to love, protect and nurture our sexuality . . . and I urge you to investigate!!!

Visit at: >http://www.adultsexedmonth.com/<

Follow on Twitter at: @AdultSexEdMonth

Thanks and kisses to Vinylman1 for my “Pondering Life” picture above.

Xxx  –  K

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Filed under #AdultSexEdMonth, sexual empowerment for women