As we get older, the years ticking on in our marriages, and the need to keep things ‘spiced’ in the bedroom, we find new and exciting ways to be innovative. It may mean we step with one foot out of our comfort zone and try a new position, or just take the leap and completely immerse ourselves in the world we consider to be ‘dark’ and ‘erotic.’
Either way, you look at it, the ending is always the same, am I right? With a smile on our faces.
You may laugh at yourselves if things didn’t go to plan or you weren’t as flexible as you once were (speaking from experience here, hilarious), you can find out what you both do and don’t enjoy other than ‘vanilla’ as people like to call it, or lastly, you could find your true calling the one thing that sparked that hidden flame and desire in the bedroom.
The main objective is that you have fun, are comfortable with your partner and what you’re trying, and not being pressured into doing something you don’t want to do if all these boxes are ticked, I say go for it.
My husband and I do have a small collection of ‘trinkets’ and bits and bobs we like to bring out now and then, and when we do use a ‘toy’ there is always that little bit of extra sensation and sense of euphoria.
While I love it when we ‘play’ I have to be honest, I’m a good old plain vanilla ice-cream, and I don’t care. Read this interesting article here and see I am not alone in this feeling, and you aren’t either.
You do what makes you feel your best version of yourself, and someone who truly loves you will take you as you are. Whether you’re a funfetti sprinkles cupcake or a plain Jane sponge, a cake is always a good idea.

There are so many options available on the market, varieties for every level of experience, and exciting new adventures to be taken when you take that leap of faith and try something new.
3 Advantages of introducing new toys.
It can be daunting if you are new to the game of sex toys and ‘fun-play,’ but if you take your time and see what appeals to you, a surprise may just be what you’re in for, dreams and ideas could soon turn into a reality. Check out this guide for a photo gallery experience, who doesn’t like putting an image to a name right?
· Communication. This is not something we tend to think of when it comes to toys, but talking with your partner about when, what, how, or even ‘if’ you should begin to introduce play items can be an eye-opener. We need to listen and take on board their comforts, be considerate, and don’t pressure if it isn’t what you thought it would be.
· Try new things. You have already stepped into a new world by agreeing and pursuing the experience of say vibrators or ‘essential oils,’ as you go through the motions you’ll see what works and what doesn’t and this can expand into trying more and being bold in more complex knickknacks as it were.
· Orgasm. You may orgasm each time or sometimes, using a vibrator during intercourse is a great way to feel either a simultaneous orgasm with your partner or a solo one while he is inside of you. Both feelings are different and amazing, and the more you try the better you get.
To find a toy you like, maybe it’s the color (I had a purchase based solely on this at one point) or the size, perhaps the added features that attracted you, check out The Happy Wife for a look into new products available and a variety of shapes and sizes for the brave stallions of relationships. Being bold doesn’t mean you can’t add excitement too.
Sex Toys.
There are hundreds if not thousands of versions on shelves all over the world, you need to see what makes you happy, at the end of the day you want to be slumped on the bed, pretzelled between crumpled sheets, and covered in a sweaty sheen with a big smile plastered across your face.
If it ends in puffing and being exhausted, sign me up.