Category Archives: Intimate Lubricants for Women

More than just a Modest Discount at @LoveSecrexy

Just a quick . . . tingling . . . Sexy Saturday update post today to let you all know of a Super Sexy Discount being offered by one of my sponsors Secrexy.

Secrexy offer a huge . . . HUGE . . . range of vibrating, thrusting, tingling, tickling and sucking sexual products and lubricants.

AND at present they are offering a HUGE discount of 60% OFF all of
their products. So I urge you all to take advantage of this amazing discount by
simply entering the Code SE37 at checkout after clicking on the
Secrexy logo below!!!

As you may have gathered, this has been a sponsored post. But if you are a regular visitor here you will know just how much I LOVE testing new sex toys . . . so I’m sure to be visiting Secrexy regularly from now on! – Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #sextoyreviews, Intimate Lubricants for Women, Modesty Ablaze Sex Toy & Product Reviews, Secrexy, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

A Modest Wives Tale #Boobday Friday

Have you heard that old wives’ tale that . . . apparently . . . if a buttercup glows under one’s chin it means you like butter???

Well I do like soft and squishy . . . slippery and slidey . . . spreadable and tasty!!! So . . . does this buttercup appear to be glowing to you???

I am sure there will be lots more glowing boobies on display at today’s Boobday Friday. Because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, Intimate Lubricants for Women, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Modestly In2mate . . . because today is National Orgasm Day

As you may have noticed from my posts during this past week, I’m only just back from my (wonderful!) summer hols and am still catching-up on my inbox.

But today, Monday July 31st, is National Orgasm Day . . . so I could hardly let a day celebrating one of my favourite pastimes go without a mention could I ???

And one of several messages mentioning National Orgasm Day, to have arrived in my inbox whilst I was away, which really caught my eye was a post about a NEW intimate skincare range.

It caught my eye because as I said in my Modest Lubrications post last March, I’ve found that as I’ve “matured” over the past few years, I really do need more lubrication than I used to. It’s just a natural consequence of growing a little older of course. The desire is still there . . . but as our bodies change, particularly through menopause, we produce less natural juices.

Now, I haven’t had the opportunity to personally try any of the In2mate products yet but having read the details below, I certainly intend to over the next few weeks. I will of course report back here then, but in the meantime I think today is the perfect time to re-post the information I received about In2mate.

In2mate is a NEW intimate skincare range with almost 100% natural ingredients to help rejuvenate, repair, detoxify and lubricate vaginal skin.


Vaginal skin is affected by age like any other area of skin on the body. It receives a high level of wear and tear due to sex, childbirth and tampons, so it’s even more important to preserve skin in this delicate area, and for this, antioxidants are key.

In2mate products are among the first to contain a patented antioxidant called PROTEOLEA® which has been proven to help rejuvenate delicate areas of skin by slowing down age-related oxidised cellular waste degradation, by optimising cellular recycling. This process helps improve flexibility and moisturisation for a more radiant appearance and healthier feel.


Healthy bacterial balance in the vagina is crucial for maintaining good vaginal health. The humid and airless environment of the vagina combined with sexual activity, makes for an ideal place for the breeding of bad bacteria and fungus.

In2mate skincare contains a patented probiotic Biolin®, proven to help increase the good flora in the vagina while inhibiting the growth of bad vaginal bacteria that can lead to bacterial vaginitis, thrush and other l infections and imbalances.

Biolin® also repairs and strengthens vaginal skin damaged by age-related thinning, chafing and abrasions.

In2mate products also contain Jujube extract, a natural wound healing tonic for helping to repair and strengthen damaged skin.


The vagina is particularly vulnerable to bad bacteria and so extra defences against toxic build up help protect the vagina from infections.

In2mate products contain Oleuropein, a mild and natural anti-bacterial and detoxifying plant polyphenol, derived from olive trees. Suitable for vaginal skin, it helps shield against the build-up of bad bacteria and also detoxifies vaginal skin leaving it cleaner and purer.


All skin loses moisture with age, but in particular the thin vaginal skin begins to lose moisture when female sex hormones begin to deplete in the run up to the menopause.

In2mate products contain Levan, a natural plant fructose that protects plants against damage from frost and drought by locking in moisture via the formation of a natural micro film over the plant’s surface. Used on the skin it does the same thing, helping lock in moisture and giving skin a smoother more slippery feel.

The right pH?

In2mate products keep the vagina at a pH of 4.5 or below. Normal skin is not as acidic as the vagina. Any product whether it’s a moisturiser, lubricant or wash will also be in contact with skin near the vagina. So In2mate have struck a healthy balance between the skin around the vagina and the tissue within. 4.5 is the perfect pH ‘balance’ because it’s not too high for the vagina and not too low for the skin.

The In2mate skincare range is over 99% natural and includes a gentle, non-perfumed intimate wash, a light non-sticky non-perfumed intimate moisturiser and a natural-feeling non-perfumed rejuvenating lubricant.

The In2mate complete skincare range costs £19.95 (or each item can be bought individually). Visit:

There are no affiliate links used within this review.

And, as I say I will report back here on my own personal experience of the In2Mate Skincare range just as soon as I can.

Xxx – K

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Filed under @Lubezilla, #sextoyreviews, Intimate Lubricants for Women, Modesty Ablaze Sex Toy & Product Reviews, National Orgasm Day, Sex Toys Reviews, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Modesty’s Toy Review Round-up: HedoVibes#92 & Pink Intimate Lubricants for Women

Doc-Johnson-Fisting-Dildo-Cara-Sutra-Review-14Photo courtesy of Cara Sutra

Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.

Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups. HedoVibes is also accepting photo submissions for each edition.














Visit my Sex Toys page for my previous Video Reviews!

Xxx – K

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Filed under HedoVibes Reviews, Intimate Lubricants for Women, Modesty Ablaze Sex Toy & Product Reviews, Sex Toys Reviews

Modesty Ablaze reviews Pink Intimate Lubricants for Women

ModestyAblazePinkGroupAs I’ve begun to get just a little bit older over the past two years or so, I have realised that I don’t get quite so naturally “wet” as I used to. It’s nothing to do with a lack of desire or arousal, of course . . . in fact I’m finding thatI get more easily aroused than ever!

It’s more to do with just the natural changes in one’s body as we . . . “mature” . . . a little more. Our bodies produce less hormones, or estrogen, and so our “lady bits” tend to not get quite so moist as they used to. That’s why it’s important to have a nice lubricant close at hand for whenever the need may arise.

So I was absolutely thrilled to receive a parcel from Empowered Products in Los Angeles with their range of Pink personal lubricant products.

As I hope you will be able to see in my video review, or from the pictures here, the individual dispensers are just wonderfully presented. And what I particularly like is that as well as the twist-to-open, and twist back to lock-closed, nozzle to actually dispense the lubricant . . . each bottle is also supplied with a pull-off and then push back on, protective cap which means the bottles can be stored away after use without any dribbles . . . or unexpected ejaculations on their own accord.

Now all of the Pink Lubricants use a variety of botanical ingredients (including Aloe Vera, Ginseng and Vitamin E) specially selected to help minimize irritation and add protection to your skin tissue and private moving parts and membranes. These can also help increase blood flow and heighten sensations during those special moments.

And by using different combinations of these ingredients, Pink have six different products to try . . . all colour coded to make it easy to remember which one is best for you.

Pink240x300The first of that range, the “Pink” Pink . . . is available in four different sizes. 200 millilitres, 120ml, 100ml and 50ml. It is a silicone blend which Pink say is their most lubricating and long-lasting formula. It is water-resistant . . . so you can move into the shower, or even the pool, if you feel inclined! And like all of the Pink range, it is unscented and flavour-free (so none of that false sickly strawberry flavoured taste that I just don’t like at all !!!) It doesn’t contain any Glycerins or Parabens at all and is safe to use with most toys, but not recommended for any of your porous silicone ones.


The next bottle I tried . . . and actually my favourite . . . is “Pink Water”. As the name suggests, it is water-based and feels slightly “wetter” and lighter in texture than the silicone Pink. But it is still very smooth and slippery and doesn’t dry out. “Pink Water” has a nice subtle pale blue branding and has added extracts of Aloe Vera and Oat to minimize irritation, and Ginseng to increase blood flow and enhance sensation. It is available in three sizes of 200ml, 100ml and 50ml, free of Glycerin and is safe for use with all of your toys.


Indulgence240x300“Pink Indulgence” is also available in 200ml, 100ml and 50ml sizes and it’s unique combination of pure-water and crème emulsifiers . . . with a touch of silicone added . . . gives it an ultra soft and silky smooth feel, which makes it ideal for both lubrication AND foreplay massage (or perhaps, AFTER-PLAY massage if you’re like me and just love some “unwinding-time” massage on your back or feet after you’ve just enjoyed your ultimate pleasure!!!) “Indulgence” is free of Glycerin and is safe for use on all toys.


How about “Hot Pink”??? Pink say that this lubricant has their own, patented, warming agent that combines with your own natural lubrication to give an exciting and thrilling sensation that both parties will be able to sense. I must say that you don’t necessarily feel that when you squirt it onto the palm of ones hand . . . but both I, and one of my lovers I recently used it with, did notice a different sensation during play. So . . . !!!

“Hot Pink” is available in two sizes, 100ml and 50ml, and is not recommended for use with silicone toys. (It’s just a little too-hot for those toys!!!)

Frolic240x300But “Pink Frolic” is safe for all toys because it is a purified water-based lube that has a thicker, longer-lasting feel than most other standard water-based lubricants. It is highly-concentrated and so is ideal for applying specifically to the spot(s) just where you want it as it quite thick and not so “watery” as the other bottled lubricants in Pink’s range.
“Frolic” comes in either 100ml or 50ml.



Now, as I said . . . I love the twisting dispenser caps to unlock and lock the bottles, but if during the heat of the moment you would prefer to be able to reach for a larger pop-top tube lubricant, then “Pink Unity” is probably the Pink Lubricant for you.

“Unity” is a hybrid silicone gel which combines silicone molecules and purified water to produce a satiny-smooth slippery-ness, so it is ideal if you feel you really do need extra lubrication. And I can certainly tell you that it does really seem to stay slippery for a long, long time! The tube is 100 millilitres and like the bottled Pink lubes, it is unscented and flavour free. Because it does contain some silicone it is not recommended for porous or silicone toys.

Sparkle240x300And speaking of toys . . . and I’m sure you all enjoy having some toy-time fun occasionally . . . Pink also have their very own Foaming Toy Cleanser . . . called “Sparkle”.

It is alcohol free and contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to properly and safely disinfect and sanitize . . . and it’s soft foamy-spray content makes it really easy to evenly apply all over your favourite toys. And because it is foam-based, Pink tell me that it goes twice as far as most of the regular spray or liquid type toy cleaners you might be more familiar with.

You can see just how easy it is to use on my video! After you’ve applied it you should always wipe your toys over with a clean cloth and rinse with water and dry before re-using. “Sparkle” is available in 200mls or 50mls . . . and I really LOVE it!!!

I’ve mentioned when talking about lubricants in the past that I do think it is really, really important that what we put onto our private bits is safe and not going to cause any discomfort or infection. As you would expect, all of the ingredients are clearly listed on the labels of each of Pink’s products. But if you are like me and don’t have a degree in chemistry or biology . . . those lists can often be more confusing rather than enlightening. So I tend to base my acceptance of a product on the way it “feels” and looks to me . . . and I think all of Pink’s samples I was sent, do just “feel” and “look” right. The packaging of the lubricants themselves is stylish and professional . . . and the product catalogue that accompanied my “Pink Pack” is crammed full with information on all of the ingredients and elements used. And also has a really helpful “Frequently Asked Questions” section and information on the difference between Silicone, Hybrid and Water-based lubes.

So after having “tested” . . . quite thoroughly I might add . . . all of the different “Pinks” here, I can thoroughly recommend them all!

Modesty Rating: 10 out of 10
Pros: Wonderfully packaged and easy to use.
Cons: I haven’t discovered any yet.
Does Not Include: Glycerins or Parabens.
Measurements: Various (see individual product specifications from weblink below).
Available Colours: Colour coded for individual products.
Waterproof: See individual product specifications from weblink below.
After-care: See Pink Sparkle Toy Cleanser.
Pricing: Individually priced at extremely reasonable prices!!!
Supplier Product links: Empowered Products

You can also find Pink on Twitter @pinkforus.



You can watch my Video Review of Pink Intimate Lubricants for women by clicking the title screen above!

The Pink range of Intimate Lubricants for Women was sent to me, free-of-charge, by Empowered Products for an honest and un-biased review.

The Modesty Rider:
I realise, of course, that there are already thousands of long-established Sex Toy Reviewers and Review sites . . . most of whom will be far more adept at explaining all the technical details and specifications of things. But for me, sexy clothes and lingerie, sexy toys . . . and even sexy books . . . are all about adding a little fun and excitement to things. So that is how I tend to approach my reviews and videos!!! Just to explain “how it was for me” in a fun, and light-hearted, way without taking things too seriously! Chances are that if something makes me giggle and tingle and feel good, it will score higher on my Modesty Rating.

Visit some of my most recent Sex Product reviews at my Sex Toy Review page >here< or special buy links for specific products >here<.


Filed under Intimate Lubricants for Women, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, sexual empowerment for women