Category Archives: #BookMatters

The Modesty Ablaze Diaries Collection Non-Fiction #BookMatters

The Modesty Ablaze Diaries of a London Housewife

As I said in my Modesty Recommends post recently, I don’t get as much time for reading as I would like to. It’s really only when I’m away on holiday that I have the time to fully enjoy my passion for Erotica and the enthralling words and worlds of my favourite authors. I marvel at the imagination and artistry of their words . . . and the skill and excitement of their story-telling.

So I’m a reader . . . and definitely not a writer.

But as I’ve mentioned on many occasions here before, Modesty Ablaze actually began as a celebration of the open-lifestyle I have been so fortunate to enjoy over the past 38 wonderful years. And publishing extracts from the personal diaries I have always kept, formed the first few months of postings here on my blog pages at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.

And to my complete surprise, I soon began receiving emails suggesting that I should publish those diary extracts as actual booklets.

Now as I said, I am not a writer, but it seemed reasonably easy to “cut-and-paste” some of those diary entries that I had hastily typed into our computer a few days after the event, into one of those online templates.

And so . . . “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries – Pt. 1 The Journey” became my first Kindle Ebook. I thought it would be my first and my last.

But amazingly, I soon began receiving yet more flattering emails and lots and lots of requests for more.

So, over the past few years I have . . . rather slowly I must admit . . . added several more Modesty Ablaze Diaries to my Katie Ellison pages at Amazon and Gumroad.

Rather slowly, because although having years and years of diaries to “cut-and-paste” from, real-life . . . and fun-life . . . just continues to get in the way, despite all the requests that still continue to arrive in my in-box. And the rather lovely encouragement from the likes of La Bauge littéraire in his review several years ago at:

But as this week’s theme at May More’s Book Matters is for Non-Fiction books, it has reminded me that perhaps it is time for some more “cut-and-pasting” to add another edition to my The Modesty Ablaze Diaries collection.

You can find my current Kindle bookshelf at Amazon at:

Or as downloadable PDFs at my Gumroad pages at:

BOOK MATTERS – Runs 24th March to 20th April

Books are amazing. We can learn from them. Be entertained by them. Reading books sparks the brain synapses which in turn improves many other things. Including active vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration. Many also believe books help us grow emotionally which has a knock on effect to how we treat people.

Let’s get reading by clicking May More’s Book Matters Logo below!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #BookMatters, Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

Modesty Recommends #BookMatters

Modesty Ablaze & The Retreat

I do enjoy a good book, though of course I just don’t get as much time to lie back and indulge . . . in reading silly !!! . . . as I would like to.

Ahh but when I’m away on vacation, well that is a different story. Then I can spend hours and hours on the beach, or around the pool, losing myself completely in the wonderful words . . . and wonderful worlds . . . of my latest purchases.

Do I have a favourite genre ??? Well YES I do actually. And no it’s not romantic novels, not murder mysteries, nor biographies, or political conspiracies, or fancifully magical dragons and wizards . . .

No, what I really, really enjoy is . . . EROTICA !!!

I bet you’re surprised by that aren’t you ???

But I just can’t help it . . . for as long as I can remember I’ve always been excited and thrilled by that special, sexual chemistry, that drives all of us from within. (Despite the fact that very often we are so reluctant to let it out . . . to let it explode as it really, really should).

So imagine my delight . . . my tingling, buzzing, vibrating delight . . . when I first discovered the indescribably EROTIC words of Kay Jaybee in her “The Perfect Submissive” all those years ago. A delight that I just had to share back then >here< and >here< when she published follow-on books in that series.

I was thrilled, throbbed . . . exhausted and left desperately wanting more. And thankfully, Kay Jaybee had many more. The Voyeur, The Collector, Take Control, Not Her Type, The Retreat, The New Room . . . and more !!!

And then . . . through Kay’s own recommendations . . . I discovered the imaginatively sexciting world of K.D. Grace whose kinky tale of an all-night shoe shop had me longing for my high-heel boots . . . even though I was prone on a beach mat as I was reading it !!!

And then that sexy Celtic Angel that is Tabitha Rayne, whose sweet lilting tones and beautifully soft and welcoming smile belies an amazingly naughtily filthy imagination that weaves erotic tales from the most unlikely of beginnings.

So . . . not three books I could not do without, but rather three amazing authors who I could just not holiday without.

If you know of them already you will know exactly what I mean. But if you do not, then I recommend you start reading them from the links above right now!!!

BOOK MATTERS – Runs 24th March to 20th April

Books are amazing. We can learn from them. Be entertained by them. Reading books sparks the brain synapses which in turn improves many other things. Including active vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration. Many also believe books help us grow emotionally which has a knock on effect to how we treat people.

Let’s get reading by clicking May More’s Book Matters Logo below!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #BookMatters, Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica