Lifesaver Revisited 2021 #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Lifesaver 2021 One

When we first visited this particular spot back in 2014 it was a lovely sunny day and the water was as still as a mill-pond. But on the day we visited this summer it suddenly turned quite stormy just after we arrived.

Modesty Ablaze Lifesaver 2021 Two

And then to make matters even more disappointing, a large delivery truck appeared out of nowhere … reversing along the road to stop right behind me … so my lifeguard duties had to be quickly curtailed.

But I intend to spend more time scanning this week’s Sinful Sunday. Tap the lips below to join me!

Sinful Sunday

I included my visit in 2014 to my Naughty Scavenger Hunt pages … but still of course just have to add this year’s to all my other re-visits at my Exposé Vŭ memories page below.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #naughtyscavengerhunt, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, MILF Area, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

5 Responses to Lifesaver Revisited 2021 #sinfulsunday

  1. I expect with you as a lifeguard there will be a sudden increase in people getting into difficulty in the water …

  2. Knightsky

    your amazing woman

  3. Sally

    Fabulous photos K. I’m sure you brightened up everyones day despite the weather 🙂

  4. I totally think naked lifeguards should be a thing


  5. Lovely images, K! Pity that truck spoiled your fun…
    ~ Marie xox

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