A Modest Hook-Up

Modesty Ablaze on the phone

I know I’ve admitted before that I can be a greedy girl when the moment takes me . . . and I’m incredibly lucky to have a husband who helps me indulge in those moments from time-to-time.

We hadn’t played for sometime but . . . of course . . . I always like to keep my profiles updated on our fun “friend finder” sites and so regularly receive messages and “invites”.

Often those messages don’t inspire me, but one “invite”, from what we’d found to be our best hook up site, included an unusually well composed response to my profile status and several photos that certainly piqued my interest!!!

And that interest grew as our fun exchange of teasing messages continued over the course of the next few days.

Often the young men from whom I receive those initial invites are quickly put-off once they realise that my “Mature lady seeking energetic young play-partners for occasional cuckolding fun” actually means always having Hubby present and involved (if not physically . . . or at least, not always physically! LOL!!!).

So, once I’d made that perfectly clear, it would be the last I would hear from many of them. But this young man was different.

His responses were just as teasing as mine, and the nature of his banter intrigued me more and more. Especially as he assured me that Hubby’s presence would be exciting rather than off-putting!

And then there were those photos !!!

Of course, meeting someone “in-the-flesh” is completely different to chatting with them on-line. So we now have a fixed routine of agreeing to meet any potential play-partners for a “first-off chat just to see how we get on”, at a
quiet-ish downtown bar that we . . . by now . . . know very well.

Unbeknown to them, we will have already booked a hotel just around the corner, in the event (hope), that I will be happy for our “chat” to progress further. There have been times when I’ve decided that I actually didn’t feel comfortable enough to progress, and I have politely had to say “it’s been lovely to meet you. Hubby and I will talk about things and let you know how we feel about perhaps meeting again in the next few days”.

Pre-booking is never wasted of course, as it’s always lovely fun . . . in a different, indulgently-decadent way . . . to frolic ourselves on those crisp, freshly pressed, white hotel sheets.

But, on this occasion . . .

We arrived early, as always, in order to get one of our favourite tables with a view of the entrance in from the street. But, shortly before our agreed time, my young man texted to say he was running late! “Not a good start !!!” I texted back.

So, by the time we did see him arriving, I was already on my second glass of wine. But within minutes of his welcoming hug . . . and confident looking handshake with Hubby . . . I knew we would definitely be sharing our pre-booked room!!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

1 Comment

Filed under 3 somes, Multiple Orgasms, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

One Response to A Modest Hook-Up

  1. Knightsky

    Youve left us hanging for what happened next. I want to hear about that booked room 🙂

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