A Modest Tasting #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Wine Cave 1

Wine . . . my only vice !!! . . . Oh, well alright then, perhaps not my only vice!
But when I picked up a leaflet at our hotel advertising a Wine Tasting Tour at a nearby Winery, I just couldn’t resist !!!

Modesty Ablaze Wine Cave 2

As the tour guide led us into their Wine Cave I immediately began to feel chilled and relaxed . . . even before sipping from the first glass!

Modesty Ablaze Wine Cave 3

And, to be amongst such impressive wine barrells, was really quite intoxicating!

Modesty Ablaze Wine Cave 4

As our tour party continued along the barrell gallery, I was becoming more and more excited!

Modesty Ablaze Wine Cave 5

Until . . . at last . . . after so much description and explanation . . .
the first bottle was uncorked!

Modesty Ablaze Wine Cave 6

And . . . by the end of the tastings . . . I was feeling overwhelmed by so many different choices, and so was very happy to see that . . .

Modesty Ablaze Wine Cave 7

Hubby already had his hand deep in his pocket . . . reaching for his wallet,
of course . . . to purchase my choices!!!

For more intoxication this Sinful Sunday, take a sip from the lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

P.S. – As I already have Winery as a location on my Scavenger Hunt listings, I will just have to add this visit to my Exposé Vŭ pages instead.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

11 Responses to A Modest Tasting #sinfulsunday

  1. Oh boy, here we go! When I saw the first photo, I thought ‘Modesty is going to get naked and show her tits off!” I wasn’t wrong. Love seeing the people walking in the background unawares of the flashing going on behind them.

  2. You should have your own label!

    A Modest Vintage?

    Always a barrel of fun! 😉

  3. These really made me smile. That looks like a brilliant place for a photoshoot!

    Rebel xox

  4. Such fun images – love seeing the people in the background who don’t know what you are up too – great stuff xx

  5. Lovely images, looks like a fun time was had.

  6. LOL – these are bloody brilliant x

  7. So much fun and excitement in these images.
    Missy x

  8. You are so bold and I love it


  9. This made me chuckle. You look so cheeky in every photo. I love it! I hope you enjoyed every sip

  10. Knightsky

    Ha ha – Hubby already had his hand in his pocket – so did I
    Brilliant photos again Modesty 🙂

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