Modest Thoughts #F4TFriday

Modesty Ablaze Food For Thought Friday

I haven’t participated in “Food for Thought Friday” before . . . and as you can tell, I am almost a week late in joining in on this occasion. But a regular reader suggested that I definitely should partake in this Friday’s theme, because it asks several questions that she apparently has always been curious about when visiting my “modest” pages here.

So Food For Thought Friday asks:
A number of us in this community take part in the #SinfulSunday or FebPhotoFest memes run by Molly Moore, while others share photos via Boobday by Hyacinth Jones.
1) If you take risqué photographs, what is it that you enjoy most? The creativity, the composition, the feedback you get from those who see them?
2) If you participate in any of the memes above, what made you decide to take part? How did you feel the first time you linked a post for others to see?
3) How comfortable are you sharing semi-nude/nude/sexually explicit photos of yourself, either online or via a “sext”?

Well as I do, quite regularly, join in with SinfulSunday and BoobdayFriday, I would answer:
It was Sinful Sunday that first motivated me to begin including more “risqué” photos on my blog. I found the different array of images each week interesting and inspiring, and whilst I knew that the artfulness and creativity of many of the images were beyond my abilities, it was the fun aspect that appealed to me. I’ve always wanted to have . . . and share . . . fun in everything I do, and if I don’t feel that fun or enjoyment in something, then I know it isn’t for me.

As I began (slowly and “modestly” at first) submitting images to Sinful Sunday I eventually became aware of other memes such as Scavenger Hunt and Boobday Friday that appealed to me not only for the obvious enjoyment of the images I was discovering there, but also because of the pride and positivity of those taking part. Being proud of one’s sexuality, positive about our bodies and so strongly expressing the right of each of us to be able to follow our natural desires and worth as a person, just struck a chord with me.

Yes I did feel nervous, and apprehensive, after those first posts . . . in fact I still often do. But then I remind myself that there is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s natural . . . it’s fun !!!

Of course I do admit, particularly with my Scavenger Hunt posts, that I enjoy the thrill of the “outdoors-nature” of the poses. It brings out the exhibitionist streak within!

But most of all, as I say in the “Rider / Warning panel” at the top of my pages, I hope my posts will go some way to promote Body Positive and Sex Positive issues and to bring smiles and giggles to those that come across them.

For more Food For Thought on the subject of “Photos”
just click on the button below.


Xxx – K


Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, Body Positivity, Food For Thought, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

3 Responses to Modest Thoughts #F4TFriday

  1. Your wonderful scavenger hunt pictures never fail to delight me and sometimes shock me with your audacity!
    Indie xx

  2. Though I’ve winced at your sunburn on a few occasions!

  3. I like that attitude. Fun in everything you do. Yes, I really love that. Your attitude shows in the images.

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