A Modest Cover Reveal

It has been so very flattering since the release of my “Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” to have received so many requests for more excerpts from my personal diaries.

So I am delighted to reveal that “Modesty Unmasked”, my seventh published Ebook Diary compilation, will soon be available from my Amazon and Gumroad profile pages.

But . . . I have a dilemma for which I need some help and advice!

You see, it’s become more and more difficult as I have published each of my diary excerpts, to choose a Cover image for each book. And as “Modesty Unmasked” is perhaps the most open, and un-edited of my journals so far,
(in that it recounts my experiences evolving into three-somes, and more-somes, and fun “swingers club” adventures), I really did want the cover of the book to reflect that title.

But I realise that, in the interests of common decency . . . and despite what you may think, I really do never wish to offend, or disturb, anyone . . . I wonder if my first choice of cover photo might be rejected by both Amazon and Gumroad as displaying “too much”.

The very reason I publish both my Diaries . . . and my posts here at www.modestyablaze.com . . . is because I really do feel that we all have the right to express our own sexuality and enjoyment of who we are, and who we enjoy sharing our love and freedom with.

So I would hope that either of the above Cover images would be accepted . . . but what do you think? Which image do you think I should submit?

Any advice in comments, or emails, gratefully accepted.

Xxx – K



Filed under Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging

4 Responses to A Modest Cover Reveal

  1. eye

    I love the first one. I suspect it won’t get passed the censors though sadly x

    • Thank you . . . my fav too, but I suspect you may be right . . . though possibly if it were an oil painting hanging in a gallery, it might be considered in a different light?
      Xxx – K

  2. I love the photo in the mirror, but think the second one might be a better book cover, I think there’s more going on story wise. And Eye is probably right.

  3. Knightsky

    Try for the one in mirror because its awesome 🙂

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