Modesty Ablaze “Spanish Showers” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

One of the things that is really nice about sharing my #realworldsex videos at MakeLoveNotPorn is reading the wonderful messages and emails that often drop into my box. I mean my “email box” . . . Silly !!!

To hear that my videos inspire other people to approach things differently . . . in their own relationships or sexual experiences . . . is a really wonderful feeling.

I do though occasionally receive “certain requests” . . . asking if I have any films of a specific subject matter or filmed in a specific location. And sometimes, as you can probably imagine, those “requests” can be a little . . . unusual . . . shall we say. I would usually reply that I don’t do requests as my films are never “scripted” . . . they just seem to happen . . . and develop naturally as we go along.

But, and I don’t know the reason why, the thing I seem to be asked about most often recently is . . . do I have any films involving . . . “Water” ???

Well actually I do . . . in fact one of my films Steamy Kisses from back in May of 2015 with Lover No. 50, started out in the shower with some very soapy rubbing of each others backs . . . and, well, rubbing of other bits as well. (Gosh, 2015, was it really that long ago ???)

Anyway, where was I . . . oh yes, water videos! Well, after yet another such request was emailed to me recently, Hubby reminded me that we did have some fun film from our Spanish holiday early last year.

We always take our video camera with us on holiday and always enjoy capturing our fun, and sometimes silly, moments together. So I thought that Spanish Showers and Bathtime Fun would make a perfect addition to my #realworldsex at Make Love Not Porn collection . . . especially for those people who like the sound of running water.

It starts out with me having some cheeky fun in our rather lovely curved glass-fronted shower, before I get so worked-up that I decide I need to lay back and relax in a warm, bubby bath, with my Satisfyer . . . my favourite “water toy”.

I know some of you probably have one of those little yellow rubber ducks sitting on the end of your bath . . . well I have my Satisfyer sitting there in pride of place. And, as you will see in this instance, I even take it away on holiday with me.

My “Bathtime Fun” ends with a rather satisfying . . . and convulsing climax . . . and then a calming stroll out onto our hotel balcony to catch some warming Spanish sun.

So . . . I hope that this video will “satisfy” those of you asking for some “water-play” fun. And you see, it just goes to show, that whilst I may not film specific requests for my MLNP collection, you may certainly ask me for the sort of things you enjoy, and I may just have something in my “archives” that would . . . in some way at least . . . possibly fit the bill.

You can view my introduction to “Spanish Showers & Bathtime Fun” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean. previewed “Spanish Showers & Bathtime Fun” in their special Make Spring Love Not Porn edition as:

After receiving many requests for videos featuring running water, Modesty remembered she shot a video on her last vacation in Spain that features just that! Starting off with a sexy, silly and sudsy scrub down in the shower as hubby films, she then moves into the bath where she experiments with a new toy. You’ll love watching the back and forth between Modesty and hubby, seeing her try out something new and seeing her #realworld reaction to a toy that blows her mind!

There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Spanish Showers & Bathtime Fun”  is my 47th video released on Make Love Not Porn with more (much more) to come soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my forty-seven #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under #realworldsex at, Make Love Not Porn, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

One Response to Modesty Ablaze “Spanish Showers” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

  1. Paul

    You are amazing woman 🙂

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