Modestly Tender #sinfulsunday

It’s important to know when one should be tender and soothing sometimes!!!

Especially after a long, hard session of prodding, stamping, kicking . . .
and squeezing!!!

And I am sure there will be lots more tender-ness to be found by prodding
. . . gently please . . . on the Sinful Sunday lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

13 Responses to Modestly Tender #sinfulsunday

  1. This made me wince. Actually wince.

  2. That has to feel so good, especially from someone who knows exactly what she’s doing. Jealous from ‘across the pond’.

  3. This is beautiful. I love the contrasts both of texture and in your words.

  4. The contrast of the black of your stockings and the pink of his skin is really striking


  5. Very striking pose…love the way it’s framed!

  6. This image oozes total power and total submission and tender love all in one snap 🙂 Love it

  7. SheenV

    I’d be in heaven if that were me!

  8. Justin

    looks like a lot of fun…

  9. I’m with Clive – I love how this images oozes power!

  10. In my head I’m seeing him ejaculate on your white stockings. Great shot. Xx

  11. Bee

    I love the contrast between your stocking and his skin, powerful image.

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