Christmas just seems to happen in more and more of a rush with every passing year . . . and I never seem to get any assistance from the rest of the household with preparations! Even when it comes to the simplest of tasks like dressing the tree and retrieving the decorations from their boxes in the loft.
So tonight I decided to take matters into my own hands and create some
Xmas Baubles of my own . . . one twist at-a-time!!!
I imagine they’ll be just the right shape for binding-up and hanging on the tree
by next weekend!!!
Perhaps though, I just need to click on the lips below to give myself some early Christmas Cheer and Sinfulness instead!
Mmm . . . >click< . . . or Twist . . . or both ???
Xxx – K
OH dear me this I just might have to do to biker hubby what a wonderful image
Oh wow, just…um, I couldn’t, but the photo is fascinating
WOW. Those are intriguing looking. Good luck with the Christmas decorating. I hate putting everything away … ugh
i could not stop staring at your photo!!!
You are very good at what you do. I am happy to see you getting into the season.
I don’t know about Christmas; looks like you’re celebrating the 4th of July to me! Or Bastille Day! This is a really fascinating contraption and great photo.
ouchy thats gotta hurt —
Those are mean little things, we have one but don’t really use it now we have the larger suction cups
Oh, wow! That is a subversive way to use them.
mmmm I like your Christmas baubles the best!
Rebel xox
Oh those are evil looking things…why don’t we have any?!