I’ve not yet had anyone else join me in my Polaroids Past celebration of the natural changes all of our bodies make . . . but I thought I would continue on anyway . . .
. . . because I think that re-living some of our past memories, is not only fun, but also a way of celebrating our bodies and reminding ourselves that not only are we all different shapes and sizes, but we all change and grow into different shapes and sizes. That is just how we all naturally develop and change.
***You can join-in by completing the (confidential) submission form below:
Or, if you prefer, simply grab the Polaroids Past logo below and publish a post on your own blog with #polaroidspast as part of the title, and a link from the logo back to my Polaroids Past page >here<. You can submit your Blog Post URL (if you have one) by completing the form, or enter your contact details in the form and I will reply with further details asap.
NB: The form is completely confidential and your details / comments are not displayed.
Or, perhaps we could have a rolling slide-show Gallery . . . what do you think? Come-on, it may be a wee-bit embarrassing . . . but it really is just a bit of fun . . . and I think fun is what life should be all about!!!
Come-on . . . Dare to Bare . . . !!!
Xxx – K
I will join, I promise. I just need to get to those old photos 😉
And I hope mine is half as sexy as yours 😉
Rebel xox