#scavengerhunt September – Join me and Dare to Bare!

September is Scavenger Hunt month at the wonderfully fun Curvaceous Dee’s Meme ! And, as we are now almost half-way through a month of some lovely new images there, I thought it would Scavengerly Sexciting to celebrate the fact by spreading the news and hoping to encourage even more of you to join in the fun.

Because, from my point-of-view, Scavenger Hunt is not just about flashing one’s private bits in public, it is ALSO a Sex-Positive, Body-Positive, means of spreading dialogue and discussion, understanding, recognition and . . . hopefully . . . acceptance of the importance of talking more openly about one of the most basic of emotions (possibly the most basic) that we all share.

Far too many of us still feel repressed or shameful or embarrassed to talk openly about our sexuality, our bodies, and our feelings. Dee’s Scavenger Hunt is a wonderful example of how we can help to dispel and overcome that repression and shame. I challenge you to scroll through the long, and growing, lists of Scavenger Participants and Scavenger Locations, and not smile, giggle and gasp. I am positive (Sex Positive) you will feel happier and better about the world around you after clicking through those links . . . and that you may possibly, hopefully, be inspired . . . as I was . . . to join in the fun.

You can see some of my own submissions to this most wonderful of Meme’s from the Gallery below, BUT I really to urge you to follow those other Participants and Locations links above for much more inspiration and fun!!!

Come onDare to Bare !!!

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 (More about the locations of the above photographs, and other pictures from those adventures are available at my Scavenger Hunt Listings page!)


Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award


Xxx – K

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