It’s been so hot in London recently I just had to get away to the coast to feel a cooling sea-breeze. And I thought my trip to this lovely sailing club would make an ideal addition to Curvaceous Dee‘s fun Scavenger Hunt.
Whilst I do love looking at sailing boats . . . and sometimes sailors . . .
I never feel very comfortable about actually getting into one . . . (I mean getting into a boat, silly!!!).
Although, this one does have quite an appropriate name don’t you think?
You can sail on over to some of my other Scavenger Hunt Posts at my Scavenger Hunt Listing page.
How about joining in the fun with some sharing of your own???
Xxx – K
That is enough to make those folk fall off the pier!! Nicely and bravely scavenged
Whooohooooo go you! Sexy!
Rebel xox
Great photos, and love the view! I’ve added this to the board as the location ‘sports club’ – seeing as sailing is a sport 🙂
xx Dee
Fabulous! How you lot have the balls to risk getting caught I’ve no idea I love the scavenger hunt really want to give it try! Fab photos you looks great !