Last October I was absolutely thrilled to have been been included in the Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2012 at Rori’s Between My Sheets.
I had only been publishing my on-line diary for less than 12 months at the time and although I had already been regularly receiving emails from people telling me how much they had enjoyed reading of my experiences . . . and how in many cases it had helped them in their own personal lives . . . it was a huge surprise, and extremely flattering and humbling to have been included amongst such exciting, entertaining, insightful, interesting and inspirational writers and bloggers.
And to have since personally met and regularly correspond with a number of fellow UK-based people featured on the list has been an even more wonderful experience.
I have always believed that it is incredibly important, and empowering, to be able to share and express ones feelings, thoughts and desires . . . and I don’t mean just “sexual” feelings and experiences, but ALL of our emotions . . . within ones close personal relationships. For me, “communication” is THE single most important factor in any relationship. And ALL of the people on Rori’s list communicate, in one way or another through their blogging, their own ideas, experiences, preferences and beliefs. And it is that open communication, and sharing, that I find so enthralling and interesting . . . and yes often entertaining and arousing . . . that keeps me “following” and re-visiting so many of these people on Rori’s list.
Of course, I would love to be nominated once again this year, but I would also sincerely urge you all to spend some time, if you haven’t already done so, discovering the joys and delights . . . and giggles and gasps . . . from Rori’s complete list from 2012.
And, once again, you can add your nominations for The Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2013 >here< !
With best wishes – Katie
Oh, and P.S. – My picture above is by the wonderful John Tisbury (see my side-bar for a link to his portfolio site)
You’ll have my vote, and I look forward to your prose – just debating about format to download now. Glad you are having fun!
Sensational picture!
Great to have found you. Love the picture